We Speak with HerMeNow Mentor, Ksenia Kurivela
Since the beginning of the HMN adventure, we had in mind, first and foremost, to create a platform of human exchange. A space where sharing the diversity of life’s experiences is just as important as the technical tips and tricks that trainees gain through interacting with their mentors. What’s more, any exchange remains a dialogue, a two-way interaction where both teacher and students learn and grow from the novel, invariably unique connection that’s been made.
In the following blog posts, we will be giving the floor to our 2022 Edition’s mentors, without whom we would never have been able to establish our community, and ensure its development and thriving in the future.
We are extremely grateful to each and every one of them. Today we speak with mentor Ksenia Kurivela.

Ksenia is the Programme Director at Metta, a transformative innovation agency helping governments, startups, and global businesses be more resilient and sustainable.
For more info, please visit: https://metta.partners/
What does it mean to you to be a mentor to someone?
Mentoring is the ability to provide a safe space for your mentee to ask questions, share the challenges they might be facing and, in turn, offer a new perspective on the situation. Being a mentor is an incredibly rewarding experience and I am constantly inspired by the entrepreneurs that I work with — what they’re doing, their ambition, and their goals.
What was it about taking part in the HMN Accelerator Program that appealed to you most?
Working with the talented HMN team has been a joy! These are passionate individuals striving for collective change and sustainable development. I was instantly aligned with their mission to support women-led social enterprises and promote women’s empowerment in the MENA region.
What do you think is the most important attribute of a Social Entrepreneur?
By definition, social entrepreneurship is purpose-driven and community-oriented. What makes a social entrepreneur stand out is their practical business knowledge, understanding the importance of financial sustainability and, as for any entrepreneur no matter their sector, resilience!
Did you ever feel like giving up on your professional journey? If so, how did you pick up again?
Life is full of ups and downs and it's important to remember that these moments are a normal part of the human experience. In the busy world that we live in today, it helps a lot to take a step back and write down your achievements, how you want to feel and what you want to see more of in your life. This has always helped me center myself.
What is your personal definition of success?
For me, success is being better today than yesterday. I think it’s the growth that happens day-to-day that defines how “successful” you’re becoming as a person.
In your opinion, what is the top-priority issue that must be confronted and dealt with in today’s world?
The first challenges that come to mind are climate change, global health issues and the risks posed by artificial intelligence, though there are countless others. It’s important to remember that marginalized groups are the ones that are and will be most affected. If we want to make a difference, we need collaboration and to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard, regardless of their age, gender, race or income.
What keeps you going every day?
Besides coffee? 🙂 I believe every new day is an opportunity to grow and learn which I’m constantly doing at Mettathrough our work supporting startups, global businesses, governments, and many more on their journey to becoming more innovative and sustainable. I’m thankful for the amazing network that I have that leads me to incredible initiativeslike HerMeNow, and so many others that support women entrepreneurship.