Tips for Embracing Your Feminine Energy

“A woman in alignment with her divine feminine energy brings harmony and healing to the world around her.”
The times have changed, and women are no longer restricted to the roles of homemakers, mothers, and lightweight jobs. Now, women are lifting heavy weights just as men, filling the shoes of CEOs, financial analysts, traders, scientists, and astronauts. But does that mean that women have to let go of their nurturing, feminine, and gentle energy and have the masculine energy of a hunter and a provider?
As a woman, it can be challenging to balance both the masculine and the feminine energies when you are out there making a living by yourself, all the decisions, building a career, becoming independent, while trying to maintain a feminine aspect of your personality that allows you to be gentle and serene. Feminine energy is not the same as being naive. People often mistake feminine energy for agreeableness, naiveness, damsel in distress, and so on, but this is not what feminine energy looks like. Warning: At times, some men even try to manipulate women using the feminine energy phrase just to their advantage (please don’t believe any of that).
Natural feminine energy is the opposite of masculine energy, which stems from the drive, pushing forward, goals, aggression, etc. Meanwhile, feminine energy embodies creativity, flow, calmness, and gentleness. Men and women have both energies within them; it’s like the yin and yang. Based on personality and environment, either energy can be more dominant than the other in any individual.
However, since we live in a highly demanding culture of achieving numbers and success, which are all related to masculine energy, it’s natural for most women, especially working women, to suppress their natural feminine energy. Good news! It may not seem that way, but it’s possible to be successful in your career yet still be in your feminine element.
So here are some tips that we are sharing with you to embrace your feminine divine energy:
Keep Your Masculine Energy in Check
Take time to reflect upon your personality and your behaviors. It is essential to understand how you relate to yourself and others. Make notes of your behaviors and communication style where you feel you are in a higher masculine energy, and reflect upon how you can still convey the same message in your feminine energy.
Remember, your behaviors and words can be subtle and can speak volumes. You don’t have to be loud or act tough all the time.
Unleash Your Creative Side
Feminine energy is highly correlated with creative energy; this is why we have more women in professions like interior or fashion design. Find your creative voice, whether it’s culinary, writing, design, painting, or dancing. Having a creative voice always helps you get in touch with your feminine side.
A creative expression is a flow of feminine energy.
Honor Your Emotions
As a woman, you are often told not to express your emotions or control your feelings, which disrupts the flow of energy as you go into your masculine energy by suppressing your feelings. Become intelligent in understanding your emotions instead of suppressing them.
While the masculine trait is defined by logic, the feminine one is expressed through emotions. Learn to become more attuned to your feelings and channel them constructively. As you become more attuned to your emotions, you feel more whole.
Have Your Boundaries
Just remember that setting boundaries is not masculine at all; it’s the most feminine thing you can do.
Most men naturally have a hard shell around them that doesn’t require protection as women do. On the contrary, many women find it hard to say no and are naturally givers, which makes it a little difficult to protect themselves. Having boundaries is not something masculine; instead, it’s something you do to preserve your feminine energy from being taken advantage of.
You don’t have to be harsh or rigid; learn to say “no” to things that don’t align with you gently.
Connect with other Women
Our circle and the people with whom we hang around have a significant influence on us. Connecting with others’ feminine energy can help you embrace your own. As a woman, it’s easier to let your guard down in a circle of women than in a circle of men.
It also brings out feminine inspirations within you. Be open to sharing your experiences as women and have an open mind to understanding the experiences of others. This creates a sense of collective healing and learning.
Be Spontaneous and Playful
Honestly, we don’t value downtime or rest as we should. We hardly take vacations due to our work schedule and financial obligations. We are overworked between managing the house and a career and, therefore, don’t often experience the spontaneous joys of life.
Don’t wait for life to change to take a break, smile, or be spontaneous. Be playful at every chance you get. Prioritize rest, downtime, and things that bring you joy. Connect yourself with music, yoga, reading a book, or simply catching up with a girlfriend.
Life will always be beautiful, and you deserve to live every moment of it.
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Anam Anjum
Wellness Consultant
+971 52 629 9656